ClientDocx Login
Our primary goal at Huck Bouma is to develop a lasting relationship with you and your family. One of the ways we are able to do that is to offer our estate planning clients enrollment in the FAMILY LEGACY PLAN™ . All clients enrolled in the FAMILY LEGACY PLAN™ are entitled to a secure document vault where they can access their estate planning documents, view them, print them, and download them, at any time. to stay connected is to make your private information accessible to you.
If you are a FAMILY LEGACY PLAN™ member, we have created a document vault for you. This vault contains PDF copies of your estate planning documents uploaded by us, and to which you can upload other documents. You have 24/7 access to these documents, and you can grant access to these documents for your family members and advisors.
To review your private Estate Planning documents, input your Client Login # and click Sign In.
Family LogIn
If you have been granted permission to access a family member’s estate planning documents, please input your Username and Password and then click Sign In.
Advisor LogIn
If you have been granted permission to access a client’s estate planning documents, please input your Username and Password and then click Sign In.