Asset Preservation Planning
We plan our family vacations just like we schedule time to have dinner with friends. We spend months planning for weddings and the birth of a baby. But when it comes to planning for our long-term care, we prefer not to think about it, believing it will somehow all work out. Unfortunately, when it comes to long-term care planning, those who fail to plan are clearly the ones who risk losing the most. The cost of long-term care is the greatest threat to the financial security of the middle class, surpassing inflation and taxes.
At Huck Bouma, our attorneys have the experience and skill needed to assist you in creating a solid plan to maximize your life savings and safeguard these assets from exposure to the rising cost of long-term care.
Planning proactively before a health care crisis occurs gives you options that are not available if you wait. Crisis options are significantly limited and do not offer the same protections that a solid, proactive plan provides. A well thought-out long-term care plan involves an analysis of your finances, your living arrangements, care providers and maximization of Medicaid and veteran’s pension benefits. Conducting this analysis now and making these decisions for yourself provides you with control and choice.
Planning For The Future With Confidence
Don’t waste time worrying about what will happen if you outlive your savings. Create a plan today and focus, instead, on making lasting memories with your loved ones and leaving your legacy for future generations. One of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself and to your family is the peace of mind of knowing that your needs will be met in the event of a healthcare crisis.
Call or email one of the elder law attorneys at Huck Bouma if you want to learn more about taking appropriate steps to preserve your assets in anticipation of long-term care expenditures in the future.